Offers professional planning advice on development plans, policy proposals, land evaluations, expropriations and other planning issues. Undertakes Peer Reviews.
Undertakes and leads:
- Public Consultation
- Meeting Facilitation
- Mediation and Negotiation
Prepares and supports development applications:
- Land Use Feasibility Studies
- Concept and Development Plans
- Planning Justification Reports
- Official Plan and Zoning By-law Amendments
- Subdivision and Condominium Plans
- Site Plans
- Consents and Minor Variances
- Niagara Escarpment Plan Amendments & Development Permits
- Parkway Belt West Plan Amendments
Prepares comprehensive and area specific community plans and zoning by-laws. Undertakes planning research and completes specialized land use and policy studies including:
- Growth Management
- Community Visioning
- Provincial Plan Conformity (e.g. Places to Grow, Greenbelt Plans)
- Residential Intensification and Infill
- Community and Neighbourhood Revitalization
- Employment Policy and Land Needs
- Commercial Policy and Land Needs
- Housing Policy Statements
- Land Use Feasibility Studies
Provides expert testimony at the Ontario Municipal Board and other tribunals dealing with:
- Official Plan and Zoning By-law Amendments
- Secondary Plans
- Development Applications
- Expropriations
- Consents and Minor Variances
Offers professional planning advice on development plans, policy proposals, land evaluations, expropriations and other planning issues. Undertakes Peer Reviews.
Undertakes and leads:
- Public Consultation
- Meeting Facilitation
- Mediation and Negotiation
Prepares and supports development applications:
- Land Use Feasibility Studies
- Concept and Development Plans
- Planning Justification Reports
- Official Plan and Zoning By-law Amendments
- Subdivision and Condominium Plans
- Site Plans
- Consents and Minor Variances
- Niagara Escarpment Plan Amendments & Development Permits
- Parkway Belt West Plan Amendments
Prepares comprehensive and area specific community plans and zoning by-laws. Undertakes planning research and completes specialized land use and policy studies including:
- Growth Management
- Community Visioning
- Provincial Plan Conformity (e.g. Places to Grow, Greenbelt Plans)
- Residential Intensification and Infill
- Community and Neighbourhood Revitalization
- Employment Policy and Land Needs
- Commercial Policy and Land Needs
- Housing Policy Statements
- Land Use Feasibility Studies
Provides expert testimony at the Ontario Municipal Board and other tribunals dealing with:
- Official Plan and Zoning By-law Amendments
- Secondary Plans
- Development Applications
- Expropriations
- Consents and Minor Variances